正晃行 26,Lane 297-8,Sec.2,Xitun Rd. Taichung City, Taiwan, ROC$0970-132-653正晃行成立於1977年,專業製造、銷售咖啡爐、手搖/電動/及其他磨豆機咖啡器具等,經過數十年的精心研發及改進,才有今天的最佳品質,是各大咖啡通路指定選用的產品。
我們始終相信 "外型可以模仿、質量無法複製",敬請大家認明,唯有正晃行出品的系列產品,才有好品質,正晃行本著誠信、良知,秉持只做最好的東西的態度,於業界以近四十年始終如一,深獲各界好評及愛護,今後將更致力於研發更新、更好的產品。
經營項目:與咖啡相關所有器具與配件,包含-咖啡爐具、光波爐、電動磨豆機、手搖磨豆機、 杯測匙 / 碗、虹吸壺、手沖壺、掛耳壺、咖啡儲豆筒、其它相關咖啡配件。
Akira Co. Ltd. was established in 1977 as a professional manufacturer for make coffee related equipment.
After sereral years of development and improvement, we have achieved highest quality. Many well-known cafe channels specify to use.To make a cup of good coffee, the most important things is temperature control and thickness of grinding coffee powder.The stability of these two factors determine the coffee. Akira has been following this procedure for many years and always choose high quality components, sour products are strong and durable. The pirated products can never replace our products.
"Even though the appearance can be imitated, the quality can never be replicated." See that Akira holds the best quality product. Akira is credible and considerate to your needs. We never consider poor quality products. For over 40 years, we have strongly held our place in the market to achieve good evaluation. Our goal for the future is to commit to being the best.
Akira is a Taiwan-branded company who engages in the business of: coffee-related equipment including beam heater coffee stove, cupping spoon and bowl coffee grinder, hand mill, syphone for coffee, coffee pot, dripper server, coffee storage bin, etc.
Akira is a top brand company in Taiwan being well known for its high quality and precise manufacturing technique.
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